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Strike - 505

Agricultural Insecticide for Control Pests from Rice and Cotton Crops
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₹ 360.00 MRP: ₹ 400.00 10% OFF
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STRIKE-505 (Chlorpyriphos 50% EC + Cypermethrin 5% EC)

Is a dual-action agricultural insecticide designed to tackle a broad range of pests.

Agricultural insecticide for control of :
  • For Rice: Stem Borer, Leaf Folder
  • For Cotton: Aphid, Jassid, Whitefly, American Bollworm, Pink Bollworm, Spotted Bollworm etc.

Combining Chlorpyrifos and Cypermethrin, STRIKE-505 offers comprehensive protection and ensures crop health and high yields.

  • Features:
    • Strike-505 is an economical combination product.
    • Strike-505 due to higher persistence on the leaf surface, is effective for a longer duration, it also gives effective control of sucking pests in various crops and hence can be used under multiple pest attack situations.
    • Due to its higher persistence value, it remains effective for longer durations & more resistant to washing off due to rain water.
  • Mode of Action :

    It is a broad spectrum insecticide having contact, stomach & fumigant action

  • Antidote :
    1. Atropinization by repeated doses of 2-4 mg of atropine sulphate intravenously at 5-10 minutes intervals; up to 25-50 mg/day.
    2. Administer 2-PAM: Dissolve 1-2 gm in 10 ml water, and inject slowly over 10-15 minutes.
    3. Control allergies: Administer antihistamines as needed.
  • Recommended Dose :

    For Rice: 0.75 L /500 L of water/ha For Cotton: 1 L /500 L of water/ha

  • Packing :

    100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 L


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